Wednesday, November 11, 2009

International Research & Study Programs

The International Research & Study Program provides grants to conduct research and studies to improve and strengthen instruction in modern foreign languages, area studies, and other international fields.

Amount: $50,000 - $200,000

Date due: January 12, 2010

The priority of the competition is the development of specialized instructional or assessment materials focused on any of the 78 languages selected from the U.S. Department of Education’s list of Less Commonly Taught Languages that include Arabic (all dialects), Chinese (Cantonese), Chinese (Gan), Chinese (Mandarin), Chinese (Min), and Chinese (Wu).

For more information, click here.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Center for International Business Education (CIBE)

The purpose of the Centers for International Business Education (CIBE) Program is to coordinate programs of the Federal government in the areas of research, education, and training in international business and trade competitiveness; and to provide grants to pay the Federal share of the cost of planning, establishing, and operating Centers for International Business Education.

Amount: $350,000/year for 4 years

Date due: December 8, 2009

CIBE's should be designed to -- 1. Be national resources for the teaching of improved business techniques, strategies, and methodologies that emphasize the international context in which business is transacted; 2. Provide instruction in critical foreign languages and international fields needed to provide an understanding of the cultures and customs of United States trading partners; 3. Provide research and training in the international aspects of trade, commerce, and other fields of study; 4. Provide training to students enrolled in the institution, or combinations of institutions, in which a center is located; 5. Serve as regional resources to businesses proximately located by offering programs and providing research designed to meet the international training needs of these businesses; and 6. Serve other faculty, students, and institutions of higher education located within their region.

For more information, click here.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Middle East Partnership Initiative "Tomorrow's Leaders Scholarships"

The Office of the Middle East Partnership Initiative (NEA/PI) announces an open competition for proposals to enhance and expand educational opportunities in the Middle East and North Africa. Successful applicants will provide an American-accredited education which will create a strong foundation for a cadre of civic-minded, intellectually able, and professionally skilled university students, well-prepared to become future community and business leaders.

Amount: $1,000,000

Date due: January 5, 2010

The Tomorrow’s Leaders Scholarships II (TLII) program will partner with host universities to provide four- to- five year academic matriculation and community service opportunities for secondary school graduates from the Middle East and North Africa who are from diverse and socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds and whose academic merit and other credentials would qualify them for admission to a university program of study but whose limited financial resources preclude attendance. The TLII project emphasizes the identification of highly motivated male and female students with demonstrated English language ability and leadership potential. Proposals under this priority area support full four- to- five year scholarships for at least 12 students per class cohort. Strategies to leverage program resources through more students and cost-sharing are strongly encouraged. In addition to proposing cost-sharing (see budget criteria), applicants should indicate how they will continue the project with non-USG funding upon completion of this project.

For more information, click here.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Cultural Exchange Fund Travel Awards

The Association of Performing Arts Presenters has added a new funding round to the 2009-10 Cultural Exchange Fund travel subsidy program supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The new funding round will provide for travel taking place between December 2009 and June 2010. In promoting cross-cultural arts programming, Arts Presenters strongly encourages travel to the following locations, including but not limited to, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America, and Africa.

Amount: $10,000

Date due: November 16, 2009

Arts Presenters will fund individual travel subsidies and group travel subsidies. The maximum amount awarded per individual organization, inclusive of travel costs and per diem, is $2,000 each. Group travel subsidies will be awarded only to groups of three or more presenters from different member presenting organizations. The maximum award for a group is $10,000 each, with no more than $2,000 awarded per organization. All applicants applying for group travel must designate a lead partner organization. The lead partner organization must be a presenter or presenting organization.

For more information, click here.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fulbright-Hays Faculty Research Abroad Fellowship Program

The Fulbright-Hays Faculty Research Abroad Fellowship Program provides opportunities to faculty of institutions of higher education (IHEs) to engage in research abroad in modern foreign languages and area studies.

Amount: $25,000 - $115,000

Date due: December 1, 2009

As part of the application process, faculty members submit individual applications to the IHE. The IHE then officially submits all eligible individual faculty applications with its grant application to the Department.

For more information, click here.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Institute on U.S. for foreign university level faculty

The Branch for the Study of the United States, Office of Academic Exchange Programs, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, invites proposal submissions for the design and implementation of three Study of the United States Institutes to take place over the course of six weeks beginning in June 2010. These Institutes should provide a multinational group of experienced educators with a deeper understanding of U.S. society, culture, values, and institutions. Two of these Institutes will be for groups of 18 foreign university level faculty, focusing on U.S. Culture and Society, and Journalism and Media. The third Institute will be a general survey course on the study of the United States for a group of 30 foreign secondary educators. Applicants may propose to host only one Institute listed under this competition.

Amount: $360,000

Date due: December 3, 2009

Study of the United States Institutes are intensive academic programs whose purpose is to provide foreign university faculty, secondary educators, and other scholars the opportunity to deepen their understanding of American society, culture, and institutions. The ultimate goal is to strengthen curricula and to improve the quality of teaching about the United States in academic institutions abroad.

For more information, click here.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Performing Arts Japan

This program is designed to provide financial assistance for non-profit organizations in the US that aim to introduce Japanese performing arts to local audiences. PAJ Touring Grants help present Japanese performing arts at multiple locations in the United States and Canada, with an emphasis on locations outside major metropolitan areas. PAJ Collaboration Grants help American and Japanese artists develop a new work, which will further an appreciation of Japanese culture when presented to an American audience.

Amount: 50% of cost

Date due: November 2, 2009

For more information, click here.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad Program

This program supports overseas projects in training, research, and curriculum development in modern foreign languages and area stuidies for groups of teachers, students, and faculty engaged in a common endeavor. Projects are short-term and include seminars, curriculum development, or group research or study.

Amount: $$90,000 for 12 months

Due: October 6, 2009

Projects must focus on one or more of the following geographic regions of the world: Africa, East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific, the Western Hemisphere (Central and South America, Mexico, and the Caribbean), East Central Europe and Eurasia, and the Near East.

There are two competitive preferences and one invitational priority. Competitive Preference 1 is for projects focusing on any of the 78 languages deemed critical on the U.S. Department of Education's list of Less Commonly Taught Languages (list within RFP). Competitive Preference 2 is for projects that develop and improve foreign language and/or area studies at elementary and secondary schools. Invitational Priority is for collaborative efforts between colleges and/or departments that provide pre-service traning for K-12 teachers in foreign languages and international area studies in teacher education programs.

For more information, click here.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Research Grant Program (Canada)

The Government of Canada announces the Research Grant Program that promotes research that contributes to a better knowledge and understanding of Canada, its relationship with the United States, and its international affairs. The grant is designed to assist individual scholars, or a team of scholars, in writing an article-length manuscript of publishable quality and reporting their findings in a scholarly publication and at scholarly conferences, thus contributing to the development of expertise on Canada in the United States. Efforts to integrate the research findings into the applicant's teaching load are welcome.

Amount: $15,000

Due: November 2, 2009

Topics that are highly relevant to Canada-U.S. relations include smart and secure borders; North American economic competitiveness; regulatory cooperation; Canada-U.S. trade and investment partnership; energy security and sustainability; environmental sustainability; emergency planning and management; Canada-U.S. security and defense cooperation; Canada in Afghanistan; global health policy; and changing demographics in North America. Projects that include collaboration with researchers at Canadian institutions are strongly encouraged.

For more information, click here.

Faculty Enrichment Program (Course Development)

The Government of Canada announces the Faculty Enrichment Program (Course Development) provides faculty members an opportunity to develop or update a course(s) with substantial Canadian content that will be offered as part of their regular teaching load. The funder encourages proposals that include one or more of the following components: the use of internet technology to enhance existing courses, including the creation of instructional Web sites and interactive technologies; course development projects that include a study component in Canada, providing students first-hand learning experience; and joint programs and courses with Canadian universities.

Amount: $6,000

Due: December 9, 2009

The funder is particularly interested in projects that have policy relevance for Canada and Canada-U.S. relations. Topics that are highly relevant to Canada-U.S. relations include smart and secure borders; North American economic competitiveness; regulatory cooperation; Canada-U.S. trade and investment partnership; energy security and sustainability; environmental sustainability; emergency planning and management; Canada-U.S. security and defense cooperation; Canada in Afghanistan; global health policy; and changing demographics in North America.

For more information, click here.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Scholarly Editions and Translations (NEH)

NEH Scholarly Editions and Translations grants support the preparation of editions and translations of pre-existing texts and documents that are currently inaccessible or available in inadequate editions. Projects must be undertaken by a team of at least one editor or translator and one other staff member.

Amount: $100,000/year for up to 3 years

Due: October 29, 2009

Grants typically support editions and translations of significant literary, philosophical, and historical materials, but other types of work, such as musical notation, are also eligible. Applicants should demonstrate familiarity with the best practices recommended by the Association for Documentary Editing or the Modern Language Association Committee on Scholarly Editions. Translation projects should also explain the approach adopted for the particular work to be translated. Editions and translations produced with NEH support contain scholarly and critical apparatus appropriate to the subject matter and format of the edition. This usually means introductions and annotations that provide essential information about the form, transmission, and historical and intellectual context of the texts and documents involved. Proposals for editions of foreign language materials in the original language are eligible for funding, as well as proposals for editions of translated materials.

For more information, click here.

Supporting Universities to Partner Across the Pacific

The United States Agency for International Development Mission to Indonesia is seeking applications from U.S. institutions of higher education that support USAID/Indonesia's development strategy through partnership activities between institutions of higher education in Indonesia and the United States.

Amount: $650,000

Due: September 8, 2009 (concept paper)

Priorities include improving the quality of teacher training institutions, improving economic research and analysis, improving public health services, supporting effective governance through policy making, public management and advocacy, and improving agricultural productivity.

For more information, click here.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Fulbright Specialists Program

Applicants apply throughout the calendar year for candidacy on the Fulbright Specialists Roster. Peer review is conducted eight times each year. CIES builds lists of qualified Specialist candidates for each eligible discipline and facilitates matching Specialist candidates with project requests. The Fulbright Specialists Program differs from the traditional Fulbright Scholar competition in that the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) builds a roster of specialists in a variety of disciplines through an open application process.

Amount: Grant benefits include international economy fare travel and approved related expenses plus a $200 per day honorarium.

Due: Ongoing

Fulbright Specialist projects are designed to provide U.S. faculty and professionals with opportunities to collaborate with professional counterparts at non-U.S. post-secondary academic institutions on curriculum and faculty development, institutional planning and a variety of other activities. The program will award grants ranging from two to six weeks and will make use of serial grants if deemed necessary.

For more information, click here.

Fulbright International Education Administrators Program (Germany)

The seminars are designed to introduce participants to the society, culture and higher education systems of these countries through campus visits, meetings with foreign colleagues and government officials, attendance at cultural events and briefings on education.

Amount: See RFP

Due: Februray 1, 2010

Participate in a group seminar on German higher education and society designed for U.S. university, college and community college administrators whose current responsibilities have a direct relation to international exchanges, career services, alumni affairs or development and fundraising in higher education. The program includes briefings, selected government appointments, campus visits and cultural events. The itinerary includes meetings in Berlin and other cities in eastern and western Germany. The program consists of two parts: a general introduction to Germany and its system of higher education, which takes place in Berlin, and a program portion in which participants split up in small subgroups enabling them to focus on their individual professional interests as they relate to the seminar.

Applicants should have significant involvement with one of the following areas: (1) international exchanges (student or faculty exchanges, foreign student admissions and advising, study abroad programs, and international education exchange services; administrators who have substantial responsibility for enhancing the international dimension of their institutions and for international program development are also encouraged to participate), (2) career services, (3) alumni affairs, and (4) development and fundraising.

For more information, click here.

Fulbright International Education Administrators Program (Korea)

The seminars are designed to introduce participants to the society, culture and higher education systems of these countries through campus visits, meetings with foreign colleagues and government officials, attendance at cultural events and briefings on education.

Amount: See RFP

Due: November 1, 2009

Attend meetings with representatives of Korean universities, private-sector agencies and organizations and selected government agencies. Visit university international offices. Respond to questions about U.S. higher education. The program has a demanding and intensive pre-arranged schedule with little time available for individual projects or appointments. Applicants must be international education administrators (for example, foreign student advisors, study abroad advisors or foreign student admissions) or senior-level university administrators with substantial (at least 25 percent of their time) responsibility for enhancing the international dimension of their institutions. Applicants must be affiliated with a 2- or 4-year college or university or a nonprofit international education exchange organization. They must also have a minimum of 5 years of full-time work experience in international education.

For more information, click here.

Fulbright International Education Administrators Program (Japan)

The seminars are designed to introduce participants to the society, culture and higher education systems of these countries through campus visits, meetings with foreign colleagues and government officials, attendance at cultural events and briefings on education.

Amount: See RFP (click here)

Due: November 1, 2009

Applicants must be international education administrators (for example, foreign student advisors, study abroad advisors, foreign student admissions) or senior-level university administrators (deans, vice presidents, provosts and presidents) with substantial (at least 25 percent of their time) responsibility for enhancing the international dimension of their institutions.

For more information, click here.